Monday, October 29, 2018

Data 434- columbus iron ferdinandand GM Gravity metal at janesville and dictionary dick and jane destroyed

Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated - Jun 28, 1914 -
    On June 28, 1914, then, Franz Ferdinand and Sophie were touring Sarajevo in an open car, with surprisingly little security, when Serbian nationalist Nedjelko ..

    Assassination of 
    EARTH systems architecture agent/ representative  for
    Fer --> ferrous oxide iron atomic structures  ..... such as iron automobiles, iron ships, office building, iron bridges 

    and blood IRON hemoglobin molecule communication systems .....
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, ...

    Date‎: ‎June 28, 1914; 103 years ago
    Deaths‎: ‎Archduke Franz Ferdinand‎ and his wife, ...
    Location‎: ‎Near the Latin Bridge, Sarajevo 43°5...
    Sentence‎: ‎20 years

    Franz Ferdinand, Whose Assassination Sparked a World War ...
    Jun 28, 2016 - On June 28, 1914, an 18-year-old student named Gavrilo Princip fired a pistol in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and changed the world. Princip, a Serbian ...

    an 18-year-old student named Gavrilo Princip
    an 18-year-old student named Gavrilo Princip
    an 18 vertical column ...  atomic families of -year-old student 

    an 18-year-old student named Gavrilo Princip

    an 18-year-old student named Gavrilo Princip

    an 18-year-old student named Gavrilo Princip

    an 18 atomic families .................Group ..... Principle Quantum Levels

    an 18 atomic families .................Group ..... Principle Quantum Levels
    an 18 atomic families .................Group ..... Principle Quantum Levels
    an 18 atomic families .................Group ..... Principle Quantum Lev  --> messenger

    Ferdinand year 1914  ...  numbers 19 mirror 91  ...... 14

    Ferdinand  ...14  and 91 --> year  1491 .....

    Ferdinand  pays for Christoper Columbus boat construction

    Christopher Columbus, Queen Isabella, King Ferdinand and Cordoba

    Mar 1, 2013 - Article about Christopher Columbus' true relationship with Cordoba and the ... Columbus, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand in Cordoba: The ...

    Columbus, Ferdinand, and Isabella - InDepthInfo
    Columbus went to Spain on the prospect that Ferdinand and Isabella would ... The monarchs, who ruled jointly, were King Ferdinand of Aragon, and Queen ...

    Columbus explaining his discovery to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella ...
    1 print : wood engraving. | Illustration shows Christopher Columbus pointing to a spot on a map while Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain look on.

    Discovery of American by Christopher Columbus, 1959 by Salvador Dali
    The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, 1959 by Salvador Dali ... From the first day that he set foot on the pavement of Surrealist Paris, Dali has ...

    Columbus explaining his year 2018  discovery of American bull-shit
     to King  InFERance ... Ferdinand and
     Queen IS (Information Systems ...Isabella) ...
    1 print : wood engraving. | Illustration shows Christopher Columbus pointing to a spot on a map while Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain look on.

    United States Department of Energy - Wikipedia

      The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is a cabinet-level department of the United States Government concerned with the United States' policies ...

      United States Department of Energy 

      United States Depart   mental    activity 

      ........  hello family  BS   and arrogance

      Depart  legs  ........... Enter  gynecology
      .............................................  gy  = gravity grammar school

      Seeking proof for the no-hair theorem - FermiLAB   bio-physics › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
      Sep 9, 2014 - In general relativity this is known as the no-hair theorem. The basic idea of the no-hair theorem is that the material properties of any object ...

      Ferdinand II ..... FermiLAB  of Aragon - Wikipedia

        Ferdinand II (10 March 1452 – 23 January 1516), called the Catholic, was King of Sicily from .... Columbus' discovery set the country on the course for the first modern world power. During the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, Spain pursued ...

        Ferdinand II ..... FermiLAB  of Argonne National Labs 

        - Wikipedia
          Ferdinand II (10 March 1452 – 23 January 1516), called the Catholic, was King of Sicily from .... Columbus' discovery set the country on the course for the first modern world power. During the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, Spain pursued ...

          G =  Gravity field interaction agent  G = Gabrielle Giffords 

          and NASA deny the existence of gravity and gravity information
          Route 66 

          - Wikipedia

            Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords (born June 8, 1970) is an American politician from Arizona and a gun control advocate. As a Democratic member of the United ...

            Education‎: ‎Scripps College‎ (‎BA‎); ‎Cornell Univ...
            Political party‎: ‎Democratic
            Relatives‎: ‎Gwyneth Paltrow‎ (second cousin); ‎J...
            Spouse(s)‎: ‎Mark Kelly‎ (m. 2007)

            The Mother of all Super  Strings  ......
             the Mother Road : Official Website of Dr ...

              Not surprisingly, the theory is a radical, “crazy” departure from the past, being based on tiny strings vibrating in 10 dimensional space-time. Moreover, the theory easily swallows up Einstein's theory of gravity. Witten has said, “Unlike conventional quantum field theory, string theory requires gravity.

              A Brief History of America's "Mother Road," Route 66 - TIME


              Jun 28, 2010 - Twenty-five years ago on June 27, Route 66 was decommissioned. ... shops along the road disappeared, the fables of America's "Mother Road"

              What Does year 1926  say ---> 19 and 26 

              It Tells You if Iron Has an
              Atomic Number of 26 protons and 26 alphabet letters ? | Sciencing

     › Chemistry

                Apr 24, 2017 - Therefore, iron -- with an atomic number of 26 -- has 26 protons and electrons. The number of neutrons, however, can vary. Iron has four stable ...

                Iron automobile
                Metabolism   and M-theory

                LINK  C = Chicago to C = California 
                giving an earth communications equation

                 E  =  MCC

                2011 Gravity field battle   .... the Tucson shooting and
                rigged information TRIAL  of 
                EARTH coordinates  latitude/longitude agent Mr. Lougher

                  - Wikipedia

                  On January 8, 2011,
                  U.S.  EARTH ....
                  Gravity field government Representative in the
                  humanoid fun/ eat/  dance government ...... 

                     Gabrielle Giffords 
                  and eighteen others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot in ...

                  Shooting · ‎Investigation · ‎Victims · ‎Reaction
                  supermarket parking lot in ...
                  supermarket parking lot in ...
                  supermarket p  .........   lot
                  supermarket p  .........   lot
                  super ........... plot
                  super EAT    plot

                  ...... the grocery store and

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