Monday, October 29, 2018

WORK Data 471 - Limousine sine wave cursor ..COMPUTER EARTH magnetic field LINK to EARTH geography surface keyboard and iron vehicles as cursors


explains  key word concepts --> 

Data 471 -

(iron motor vehicle) 

.........  sine wave cursor of EARTH 

COMPUTER EARTH magnetic field flow lines
the EARTH geography surface  keyboard and  

iron  motor vehicles as cursors
moving on the land/street keyboard

Computer earth and earth language code words -->

Fifth Avenue  ....... limousines --> 

Computer earth  code words -->
limousine   equation  -->  lim + mous + sin e .....

limestone/geology  +
computer Mouse +
Wisconsin earth ..........
.............sine  wave data functions  ......  that is 

The Wisconsin Dells geological layers of atoms/electrons  
are a Nature's printed circuit board using limestone

Computer earth  code words -->
limousine   equation  -->  lim + mous + sin e .....

limestone/geology  +
computer Mouse +
Wisconsin earth ..........
.............sine  wave data functions  ......  that is 

... from the BIG PICTURE  aerial view of
Computer Earth and the EARTH magnetic field flow lines 

......... as the iron motor vehicle/ limousine  ....... moves 
on the earth geography land/roads/streets  .....

it moves within the EARTH vast magnetic field 
as a small iron device  .........  

thus the iron MOUSE / limousine  ..... moves/ generates
 tracks its position
on the earth surface  (the geography surface as  COMPUTER EARTH display surface / information screen of earth land/roads with people and motor vehicles on the display surface) 

END of explanation


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