COMPUTER EARTH coffin data buffer system ..... that becomes a quantum data buffer pool ..... and then .... some of the data eventually resurfaces .... years later.
To understand the process must take the clues and ideas ,,,and the write them on several sheets of paper your words with your flowchart of concepts.
This aligns your brain software ....... since your brain circuits are configured different my circuit experiences.
You may skip over other parts of the blog post.
Herb Zinser’s information FABRIC of
earthly empirical EVENT HORIZON data strings
Dirac …Database Z46 BK-203
….. the Star Wars military code book
Let’s look at some books /news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts..
Code words –> Black fleet crises–>
the SOLAR SYSTEM battle to recapture Planet EARTH …..
the battle being played out in the EARTH geography region
….. the black farm soil / ground agriculture WAR by Watertown, Wisconsin ……
the SOLAR SYSTEM battle to recapture Planet EARTH …..
the battle being played out in the EARTH geography region
….. the black farm soil / ground agriculture WAR by Watertown, Wisconsin ……
keyword title —-> Shield of Lies–> information pointer to the
Township of Shields by Watertown …
Township of Shields by Watertown …
and the lies/ incomplete explanations given about the FCC approved …
electromagntic (EM) field murder of Travis Zoellick of EMMET Township,
the eye ROD and CONE optical wars that resulted
in Nature;s systems agent
……. Adam Raney going to jail for his gun/ ROD generating ..signaling EVENT
the closing of Mullin’s ice cream cone store in the eye CONE wars
electromagntic (EM) field murder of Travis Zoellick of EMMET Township,
the eye ROD and CONE optical wars that resulted
in Nature;s systems agent
……. Adam Raney going to jail for his gun/ ROD generating ..signaling EVENT
the closing of Mullin’s ice cream cone store in the eye CONE wars
On Wisconsin: human eye CONE cell feud …. causes
the closing of Mullen’s ice cream CONE store in Watertown; new ……watertown/…
Oct 2, 2016 – Mullens Dairy Bar & Eatery. Buy Now. Troy Milbrath, owner of Mullen’s Dairy Bar and Eatery in Watertown, looks over remnants of the … The doors of Mullen’s Dairy Bar & Eatery are closed, ice cream production in the back of …
Code words –> Black fleet crises–> fleet —> information pointer to
a) fleet of farms tractors and equipment working on black farm soil
b) Farm & Fleet store on Highway 19 .. the west side of Watertown
Town of Shields ….. military status | Dodge County, Wisconsin
Apr 20, 2017 – TOWN OF SHIELDS – Shields Township will hold its 11th Annual … Use Permit under the Land Use Code, Dodge County, WI to allow for the …
History of Shields, Dodge County, Wisconsin
From: Dodge County, Wisconsin Past and Present …. the father and only remaining son, John, settled in Shields township in June, 1847, where the elder Solon .
History of Shields, Dodge 1 : the art or practice of using symbolsespecially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Gunsmoke –
The adapted stories take place in and around Dodge
Gunsmoke is an American radio and television Western drama series created by director Norman Macdonnell and writer John Meston. The stories take place in and around Dodge City,
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
–> television show codes
–> proper noun … Dodge city and the metal shield of the sheriff
–> giving –> Dodge + Shield –> extend to REALITY site –?
Dodge County, Township of Shields ……,
………….sin wave / sin functions ……. dimensions of existence
………….sin wave / sin functions ……. dimensions of existence
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
–> television show codes
–> proper noun and concept DATABASE
… Dodge city, metal shield of the sheriff ,
and word
… Dodge city, metal shield of the sheriff ,
and word
……. SMOKE —> and the mapping process / transformation …..
actualization of that DATABASE word smoke
actualization of that DATABASE word smoke
into a SMOKE …. physical REALITY signaling event –>
into a SMOKE …. physical REALITY signaling event –>
automobile tire fire SMOKE,
in the SHIELD township at the company Watertown Tire Recyclers, in Dodge County Wisconsin
Massive Tire Fire Near Watertown, Wisconsin Visible for Miles 
Jul 19, 2005 – Smoke billows from building at fire at Watertown Tire Recyclers, Tuesday, July 19, 2005, … About six acres of Watertown Tire Recycling Co.
Site Profile – Watertown Tire Fire – EPA OSC Response 
On July 19, 2005, a tirefire broke out at the Watertown Tire and Recycling facility
which is on the northwest side of Watertown, Wisconsin
which is on the northwest side of Watertown, Wisconsin
in the town of Shields.
A Watertown tire recycling company, where a massive fire burned for six days last
A Watertown tire recycling company, where a massive fire burned for six days last
A Watertown tire recycling company, where a massive fire burned for six days last
A Watertown tire recycling company, where
a carbon …. massive fire burned for six (6) days last
Massive tire fire visible for miles | Regional news | 
Jul 20, 2005 – About six (6) acres of
Watertown Tire Recycling Co.’s estimated one million tires
were in flames Tuesday night, a smoldering mound expected to …
Watertown Tire Recycling Co.’s estimated one million tires
were in flames Tuesday night, a smoldering mound expected to …
n class=”algo-summary”>
Journey to the Center of the Earth iron core
VIA magnetic field flow lines that interact
with human blood iron ….. human bio-magnetic sensors – Wikipedia 
Journey to the Center of the Earth (French: Voyage au centre de la Terre, also translated under the titles A Journey to the Centre of the Earth and A Journey to the Interior of the Earth) is an 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne.
William Proxmire and his interaction with
the EARTH iron core/ magnetic field flow lines …….
that flow into his body …..
thus his human proximity switch DEMO
– Wikipedia 
Edward William Proxmire (November 11, 1915 – December 15, 2005) was an American politician. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as a United States Senator …
In 1946, Proxmire married Elsie Stillman Rockefeller,
Proxmire received an uncontested divorce
in 1955 –> 55 –> iron atomic mass 55.85 message
in 1955 –> 55 –> iron atomic mass 55.85 message
In 1956, his blood IRON-56 Fe (feelings) caused Proxmire
to marry Ellen Imogene Hodges Sawall, …..
to marry Ellen Imogene Hodges Sawall, …..
thus the bio-proximity switch DEMO
(via EARTH LAB specimen
Fe = Ferrous oxide iron
Fe = Females) …. of iron numbers … year 55 and 56.
(via EARTH LAB specimen
Fe = Ferrous oxide iron
Fe = Females) …. of iron numbers … year 55 and 56.
Sun Prairie
Star Newspaper
from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin (WI … 
Click for today’s Sun Prairie Star newspaper from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.
Paul Dirac – Wikipedia 
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ….. In 1984, Diracdied in Tallahassee, Florida, and was
buried at Tallahassee’s Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac’s childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a …
buried at Tallahassee’s Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac’s childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a …
Paul Dirac and the EARTH langauge / nikola Tesla link to
St.Paul (Dirac) region of LAND –>
Phi.Lando Castile ……. and his
…….Land….Caste/ hierarchy system he used in LIFE and in DEATH.
Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middle 
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may …
A vibration sent through
the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …
A vibration sent through
the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …
Officer who shot a secret LAND CAST society member ….
Philando Castile found not guilty – 
Jun 16, 2017 – St. Paul (Dirac), Minnesota (CNN) Jeronimo Yanez, the Minnesota police officer who fatally shot Philando Castile during a traffic stop last year, was …
s=”rc” data-hveid=”31″>
Jeronimo Yanez, the Minnesota police officer
Jeronimo Yanez, the Minnesota police officer
……………………ez, the Minnesota bio-math geo-math police officer for transcendental entire function problems and THOUGHT nonsense diseases of the CASTe people
LAX gunman who targeted TSA math errors …. TSA officers is sentenced to life in prison … 
Nov 7, 2016 – The gunman whose 2013 rampage at Los Angeles International Airport left a … A portrait of slain
TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez –> ez
and his federal government ….
approved brain math manipulation schemes using the inverted question marks of the Spanish language and
its intellectual arrogance system . Al Seib / Los …
TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez –> ez
and his federal government ….
approved brain math manipulation schemes using the inverted question marks of the Spanish language and
its intellectual arrogance system . Al Seib / Los …
s=”rc” data-hveid=”31″>
Man who killed TSA officer at LAX in 2013 pleads guilty
in rigged information TRIAL and avoids … 
Sep 6, 2016 – LAX shooter pleads guilty, avoid death penalty. … mechanic who gunned down airportscreening officers at Los Angeles International Airport in …
Shooting of Philando Castile and
his secret sub-conscious MIND associations
– Wikipedia 
On July 6, 2016, Philando Castile was shot and killed by Jeronimo Yanez, a St. Anthony, … Yanez, of South St. Paul, was 28 years old at the time of the shooting. The St. Anthony Police Department has 23 officers. Eight officers are funded …
Thousands March In Saint Paul
After Philando Castile Verdict | HuffPost 
After Philando Castile
Afterlife of Phil land … casket of Philando Castile …
his phase change ….. twice BORN groups …..
as explained by the Erwin Schrodinger cat in a coffin/casket box …
in an EARTH underground soil …atomic communications media
in an EARTH underground soil …atomic communications media…/saint-paul-philando-castile-protests_us_59448d33e4b06…Jun 16, 2017 – Protesters rallied in front of the state Capitol in Saint Paul, Minnesota, on Friday after a … St. Paul Protesters Show Support For Philando Castile.
s=”rc” data-hveid=”31″>
The St.Paul (Dirac) and Roseville (Minnesota) ……. keyword LINK to
Paul Dirac, Roselawn Cemetery . Tallahassee
The grave hole …… also known as an earth geology soil / ground wormhole …….
a mathematical-physics hole (grave hole MODEL) ….. of the earth and
the grave hole THRU geology atomic soil, clay……. existential space/time ….
……. to Mother EARTH’s underground ….
Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations ..echo signature ….
earth communications continuum ……
Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations ..echo signature ….
earth communications continuum ……
that connects the Paul Dirac atomic DATABASE coffin
ROSE (Roselawn) to the other ROSE ( Roseville) by St. Paul Dirac.
ROSE (Roselawn) to the other ROSE ( Roseville) by St. Paul Dirac.
The Paul Dirac atomic electron orbital DATABASE
is placed in
CMS (Content Management System) …..
is placed in
CMS (Content Management System) …..
BLOG ENGINE container … the coffin ……..
that is placed 6 feet underground
that is placed 6 feet underground
BlogEngine.NET/….Container.cs at master · rxtur/BlogEngine.NET … 
BlogEngine.NET – Full featured, yet simple and light weight ASP.NET blog.
Underground Railroad – Black History – 
Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Born a slave, Harriett Tubman became a famous “conductor” on the Underground Railroad, leading hundreds of slaves to freedom. … The most famous “conductor,” an escaped slave named Harriet Tubman, reportedly made nineteen return trips …
Underground Railroad – Black Soil History with
Cassius Clay and the Clay people
(secrets of geology communication systems)
Mickey Mantle … Nature’s systems representative
for the EARTH geology MANTLE
Mickey Mantle … Nature’s systems representative
for the EARTH geology MANTLE
Isaac New Newton’s theory of Gravity
of New ….. New York City and
the gravity city of citizen bullshit, schemes, and lies as
explained by Alan Sokal …..
gravity subset word–> gay people
– The Star Garden 
Newton’s law of universal gravitation ↑ Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that every mass attracts every other mass in the universe, and the gravitational force between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Newton’s law of universal gravitation
states that every mass attracts every other mass …..
states that every mass attracts every other mass …..
in human terms …..
every mass attracts every other mass ….. VIA
every ass attracts every other ass with buttocks
and its advanced bio-math logic ..
IF BUT and the OR logic –>
IF BUTTOCKs ORfice logic ……
output data records from the rectum in
cylinder ….. biology LOG format of logarithms …
cylinder ….. biology LOG format of logarithms …
thus the rectum …. output bio-computer PORT
………………… um –> universal MIND .. rePORT …..
………………… um –> universal MIND .. rePORT …..
such the incomplete report on the
murder of Boy Scout from Porterfield, Wisconsin
………………………….output….Port….field of data
murder of Boy Scout from Porterfield, Wisconsin
………………………….output….Port….field of data
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular
Nov 30, 2010 – Marinette — By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid. … Outside Hengel’s home in
Porterfield was a large sign that said, “We do not wish …
Porterfield was a large sign that said, “We do not wish …
The Einstein Rosen bridge and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox … 
Nov 21, 2015 – In 2013 Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind demonstrated that the Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes is created by EPR-like …
The Einstein Rosen bridge
The Einstein Rosen bridge
Tomb Robbers 
Tomb Robbers! Visit this site dedicated to providing information, facts and history about Tomb Robbers. Fast and accurate facts and information about Tomb …
Grave robbery, tomb robbing, or tomb raiding is the act of uncovering a tomb or crypt to steal artifacts or personal effects. A related act is body snatching, a term …
Tomb robbing in ancient Egypt played an important part in the economic well-being of the society. … Tomb robbers existed in all levels of society, from royalty to serf. … Since
Tomb Robbers in modern times ….. year 2017
An = Atomic number –>
An = Anus people with the human Egypt equation ….
Egypt equation ……. E + gy + pt …..
The Einstein Rosen bridge and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox … 
Nov 21, 2015 – In 2013 Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind demonstrated that the Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes is created by EPR-like …
The Einstein Rosen bridge EXAMPLES with the Paul Dirac …..
with the SYMBOL MACHINE/ earth language ….
proper noun/concept … ….
ANCHOR point word ROSE (one end of the communication bridge) …..
proper noun/concept … ….
ANCHOR point word ROSE (one end of the communication bridge) …..
to another ROSE word region
The EARTH LAB ….. data generating event …..
of Philando Castile in the word DATABASE region of
Falcon Heights( TALL height) –> pointer to–> Tallahassee
Roseville –> feedback pointer –> Roselawn Cemetery . Tallahasee
ST.Paul –> pointer to Paul Dirac coffin equation
in Tallahassee ……. co + ff + in
in Tallahassee ……. co + ff + in
–> code ……..
base 16 Hex”ff” = 255 = High-values = tall-values …..
base 16 Hex”ff” = 255 = High-values = tall-values …..
input to the
Nikola Tesla earth underground COFFIN continuum
the land –> LAN (local area network)
of COMPUTER EARTH and the underground …..
Nikola Tesla earth underground COFFIN continuum
the land –> LAN (local area network)
of COMPUTER EARTH and the underground …..
coffin database terminals
Thus the NODE ….. node generator need information … thus the NODE
Northern Illinois university DEATH code letter …
Northern Illinois university DEATH code letter …
No…………………………………….DE………. co….le –>
NODE generator message at the
Cole Hall ocean class shooting on Feb 14. 2007
Cole Hall ocean class shooting on Feb 14. 2007
Shooting of Philando Castile to create a
ROSEN-Einstein casket near Falcon-Heights and Roseville
– Wikipedia 
On July 6, 2016, Philando Castile was shot and killed by Jeronimo Yanez, a St. Anthony, Minnesota, police officer, after being pulled over in Falcon Heights, …
Paul Dirac – Wikipedia 
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ….. In 1984, Diracdied in Tallahassee, Florida, and was
buried at Tallahassee’s Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac’s childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a …
buried at Tallahassee’s Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac’s childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a …
Roselawn Cemetery.
Roselawn Cemetery.
Roselawn Cemetery …. IBM system 360/370 CICS network
……………. Cem..T —>
……………. Cem..T —>
CEMT INQUIRE commands – IBM 
Most CEMT requests either inquire about (INQUIRE), or change (SET) the status of one or more named instances of a resource (such as a terminal), a particular …
Type CEMT INQUIRE TRANSACTION (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords ). … Only transactions that have been defined in the CICS® system definition …
CEMT INQUIRE commands …
ask .. inquire ….. ask a question of the
Casket of Philando
…ask ……. about the human brain DEAD of Chicago ……
…ask ……. about the human brain DEAD of Chicago ……
Virginia Halas McCaskey – Wikipedia 
Virginia Halas McCaskey (born January 5, 1923) is the principal owner of the Chicago Bears of the National Football League. She is the eldest child of legendary Bears coach and owner George Halas, who left the team to his daughter upon his death in 1983.
George Halas McCaskey is the current chairman of the NFL’s Chicago Bears, who replaced his brother Michael McCaskey as chairman in 2011. Biography[edit ]. McCaskey, the eighth-oldest child of Bears owner Virginia Halas McCaskey …
George McCaskey ….. EARTH language equation
Geo rg e …..Cas key
geography region earth Casket key (signal)
Philando Castile
mathematical-physics existential message ……..
funeral (fun + er + al –> function error algebra / alphabets)
draws thousands in Minnesota region of the Mini-max theorem
– World – CBC … 
Jul 14, 2016 – Mourners filled the 3,000-seat Cathedral of St. Paul to pay their respects to 32- year-old Philando Castile, whose white casket arrived and left on …
cemt inquire task – IBM 
May 31, 2017 – System tasks are those tasks that CICS starts and uses internally, … Type CEMT INQUIRE TASK (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords).
cemt inquire task
cemt inquire ask –> caskets and the McCaskey secret dimensions
….. secrets languages of adult
fe = ferrous oxide iron/ magnetic field interaction with
fe = female pussy systems and
its English language and body language communications FAILURE
The Einstein Rosen bridge and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox … 
Nov 21, 2015 – In 2013 Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind demonstrated that the Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes is created by EPR-like …
The Einstein Rosen bridge EXAMPLES with the Paul Dirac …..
with the SYMBOL MACHINE/ earth language ….
proper noun/concept … ….
ANCHOR point word ROSE (one end of the communication bridge) …..
proper noun/concept … ….
ANCHOR point word ROSE (one end of the communication bridge) …..
to another ROSE word region
The Einstein Rosen bridge and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox … 
Nov 21, 2015 – In 2013 Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind demonstrated that the Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes is created by EPR-like …
=”r”>The Einstein Rosen bridge EXAMPLES with the Paul Dirac …..
White House Rose Garden – Wikipedia 
The White House Rose Garden is a garden bordering the Oval Office and the West Wing of the White House in Washington, D.C., United States. The garden is …
The Rose Garden. Barack Obama walks through the Rose Garden in 2009, view to the northeast (White House – Pete Souza) …
Rosalynn Carter explains Rosen-Einstein communications
VIA humanoids from Plains Georgia – Wikipedia 
Eleanor Rosalynn Carter (nĂ©e Smith; born August 18, 1927) is the wife of the 39th President of … Rose Carter, official color photo, 1977-cropped.jpg. First Lady of …
President: Jimmy Carter
Spouse(s): Jimmy Carter (m. 1946)
Political party: Democratic
VIA humanoids from Plains Georgia
Rose Kennedy and the Rosen-Einstein database – Wikipedia 
Countess Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy (July 22, 1890 – January 22, 1995) was an American philanthropist, centenarian and socialite.
She was deeply embedded
in the “lace curtain” Irish Catholic community in Boston,
where her father was mayor.
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy – John F. Kennedy Presidential Library … › JFK › The Kennedy Family
Victoria Reggie Kennedy. Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald was born in Boston’s North End on July 22, 1890, the eldest child of John F. (“Honey Fitz”) and Mary Josephine Hannon Fitzgerald. She was first introduced to politics as a child.
Victoria Reggie Kennedy.
Victoria Reggie Kennedy.
…….oria..Reg –> orbital region K and the
Kennedy mirror …..
…enne …………
…enne …………
en <—-> ne at two levels
Kennedy mirror …..
…enne …………
…enne …………
en <—-> ne at two levels
energy <—-> neutron thoughts OUTPUT to
english language <—-> newspapers
energy <—-> neutron thoughts OUTPUT to
english language <—-> newspapers
Below, vertical columns of atomic protons
–> proton columns and their atomic prose / language, linguistics, semantics, dictionaries
code words–> ferret IX-26 –> IXONIA Wisconsin LINK to Highway 26 Watertown
ferrous oxide IRON motor vehicles… atomic number 26 and the 26 alphabet letters
The human output CO2 data carrier molecule
of mass 44 .. that supplies the
COMPUTER EARTH cellulose tree with input data
of mass 44 .. that supplies the
COMPUTER EARTH cellulose tree with input data
Mass escape: 29 suspected cartel members break out of Mexico … 
Mar 24, 2017 – On Wednesday, 29 suspected drug cartel members used a 120–foot tunnel to escapefrom a state prison in the northern Mexico border state of …
Missing: flag
Mass escape: 29
Atomic Mass electron THOUGHT escape: 29 electrons
29 suspected drug cartel members used a
120–foot tunnel to escape
120–foot tunnel to escape
29 suspected drug cartel members used a
120–foot tunnel to escape
120–foot tunnel to escape
29 suspected drug cartel members used a
120–foot tunnel to escape
120–foot tunnel to escape
Mass escape: 29 suspected cartel members break out …
quantum tunnel / data pipeline messages from
the Nikola Tesla and the Paul Dirac ……
data/moment generating functions … 
Mar 24, 2017 – On Wednesday, 29 suspected drug cartel members used a 120–foot tunnel to escapefrom a state prison in the northern Mexico border state of …
Missing: flag
29 suspected drug cartel members used a 120–foot tunnel
29 suspected drug cartel members used a 120–foot tunnel
29 suspected drug cartel members used a 120–foot tunnel ..the Paul Dirac underground
The Paul Dirac ……
earth soil/ grave hole ( with the Paul Dirac atomic DATABASE input
..coffin ..6 feet down)
earth soil/ grave hole ( with the Paul Dirac atomic DATABASE input
..coffin ..6 feet down)
…. is the vertical component of 1 leg of a earthly underground wormhole
Below, the earth /geology SYMBOL MACHINE wormhole structure …..
a) input vertical (grave hole)
b) horizontal data transfer using Nikola Telsa earth vibrations /signals …. ECHO signatures ……
c) output vertical ……….. Rosen-Einstein communications bridge
(such as Roseberg Orgeon shooting at UMPQUA
……the Roseville/ Falcon Heights death of Philando Castile, etc)
Mass escape: 29 suspected cartel members break out of Mexico … 
Mar 24, 2017 – On Wednesday, 29 suspected drug cartel members used a 120-foot tunnel to escapefrom a state prison in the northern Mexico border state of
Tallahassee prison escape …..
quantum mass ….. DATA escape:
29 suspected cartel members break out of Mexico … 
Mar 24, 2017 – On Wednesday, 29 suspected drug cartel members used a 120-foot tunnel to escapefrom a state prison in the northern Mexico border state of …
29 suspected cartel members CONSTRUCT an earth geology ……
physical wormhole ………
input vertical ……. 120 horizontal …..output vertical –>
thus creating template /model/ a format/ a diagram
for Nature’s systems
….. that can use the
COMPUTER EARTH assembler language EQUAT
… the geography line EQUATOR….
COMPUTER EARTH assembler language EQUAT
… the geography line EQUATOR….
to Paul Dirac and his atomic proper noun
29 suspected cartel members CONTRUCT an earth geology ……
physical wormhole ………
input vertical ……. 120 horizontal …..output vertical –>
LINK codes 29 and 120
(copper numbers and Underwriter Labs extension ….
underground at Roselawn Cemetery)
(copper numbers and Underwriter Labs extension ….
underground at Roselawn Cemetery)
Paul Dirac proper noun identifiers
….ul …… ac –> 120 volts and 60 alternating cycles –>
….ul …… ac –> 120 volts and 60 alternating cycles –>
language LINKs to 120 ac
–> 120 acres of farm land and
the EARTH daily rotation …..
alternating cycle every 24 hours
the EARTH daily rotation …..
alternating cycle every 24 hours
as explained by the painting title ….
Spanish artist Salvador Dali
Spanish artist Salvador Dali
Bolt (fabric) – Wikipedia 
A bolt is a unit of measurement used as an industry standard for a variety of materials from wood to canvas, typically materials stored in a roll. Length will vary according to the type of material measured.[1]
The length is usually either 40 or 100 yards, but varies depending on the fabric being referred to, for example, a bolt of canvas is traditionally 39 yards.
The width of a bolt is usually 45 or 60 inches, [2] but widths may include 35–36”, 39”, 41”, 44–45”, 50”, 52–54″, 58–60” and 66”, 72″, 96″, and 108″.
The width of a bolt is usually 45 or 60 inches, [2] but widths may include 35–36”, 39”, 41”, 44–45”, 50”, 52–54″, 58–60” and 66”, 72″, 96″, and 108″.
s=”rc” data-hveid=”31″>
The length is usually either 40 or 100 yards, but varies depending on the fabric being referred to,
for example,
for example,
a bolt of canvas is traditionally 39 yards …
LINKS to atomic mass 39 K –> thinK
LINKS to atomic mass 39 K –> thinK
The Periodic Table of thought and intellectual expression elements
with atomic mass
– Boundless › … › Atoms, Molecules, and Ions › The Periodic Table
The periodic table lists all the elements, with information about their atomic … The vertical columns(groups) of the periodic table are arranged such that all its … The periodic table is structured as an 18X 7 grid, positioned above a smaller …
keyword –> ballast –> bal + Last –>
IBM BAL of the Computer EARTH ….. Baltic geography region with
IBM BAL of the Computer EARTH ….. Baltic geography region with
Fer = Ferrous Oxide IRON and
Fer= Fermat’s Last theorem
Fer= Fermat’s Last theorem
Mass escape: 29 suspected cartel members break out of Mexico … 
Mar 24, 2017 – 29 drug cartel members escape from prison near US border. El Chapo may be gone from Mexico, but tunnel-aided escapes by inmates are …
EARTH geology Mass escape:
29 suspected cartel members of a
COMPUTER EARTH system 360/ 370 Partitioned Data Set (PDS) …..
construct a Rosen-Einsetin wormhole thru
EARTH geology space/time ……
black holes in black soil / soil/clay / ground / gravel / …… .. 
Mar 24, 2017 – 29 drug cartel members escape from prison near US border. El Chapo may be gone from Mexico, but tunnel-aided escapes by inmates are …
Quantum tunnelling or tunneling (see spelling differences) refers to the quantum mechanical phenomenon where a particle tunnels through a barrier that it classically could not surmount.
Astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth LAB)
….. Quantum tunnelling or tunneling (see spelling differences)
refers to the quantum mechanical phenomenon
a human particle or 29 human particles ……
tunnels through a barrier
refers to the quantum mechanical phenomenon
a human particle or 29 human particles ……
tunnels through a barrier
(the Milwaukee Mayor Barrett/ West Allis/ West Alice cryptology barrier) it classically could not surmount.
Man arrested in quantum attack on Mayor Barrett – Home
Aug 16, 2009 – Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett gets a little emotional when he speaks to the … West Allis Police Chief Mike Jungbluth described Peters as a …
Milwaukee mayor beaten with pipe while defending baby and … › US News › Wisconsin
Aug 17, 2009 – Tom Barrett recovering in hospital from head injuries following attack by ‘local … The assault occurred in West Allis, a Milwaukee suburb. “Tom …
Milwaukee mayor beaten with pipe
Milwaukee Wisconsin region
of Waukesha, West Allis, Cudahy Oak Creek …..
Space, Time, Matter:
Hermann Weyl: 9780486602677: … 
Space, Time, Matter. +. Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces. +. Applications of Tensor Analysis (Dover Books on Mathematics).
Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces
Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces
Introduction to Tensor Analysis and
the Calculus of human Moving Surfaces such as Mayor Barrett and Anthony Peters
the Calculus of human Moving Surfaces such as Mayor Barrett and Anthony Peters
Alzheimer’s and the arrogance Association:
Alzheimer’s human bio-computer brain …….
Alzheimer’s Association national site – information on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia symptoms, diagnosis, stages, treatment, care and support resources.
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